How to maintain the silicone sealing ring? Start from these three perspectives!

Silicone sealing ring, in the long-term adhesion and metal pressing extrusion, come out the phenomenon no rebounding, no stress due to being forced frequently. As a silicone rubber products manufacturer, JWTRUBBER will tell you how yo maintain the silicone sealing ring from three perspectives.


Silicone sealing rings are usually used in harsh environments for a long time, such as oxygen, heat and light, then suffer aging phenomenon led to deformation, so in the early stage for the use of silicone sealing ring environment and time and so on, need to consider whether the material and product can maintain a long-term life, elasticity is not affected and so on. Generally start from these three perspectives.


The temperature of the silicone sealing ring working environment


In the working process, high and low temperature is a major factor affecting the product. Though silicone material can resist the temperature from -40℃ to 200℃ , but long-term is suitable for the bad heat circumstances will accelerate aging of silicone seal, the higher the temperature, the greater the deformation of the product will be, and forced deformation of the largest silicone material is generally above 40% will lost his job performance, cause seal leakage, etc.


Tensile strength of silicone sealing ring


Tensile strength is one of the main operation ability the silicone sealing ring, silicone products manufacturers will choose the corresponding tensile strength material and using condition of various hardness, when the demand for long-term use repeatedly, it is important to choose high tensile silicone material processing production, in case the product as the growth of the time and affect the performance of the product, because the long-term operation of silicone rubber will often make the product loose and lose tension when it is used beyond the range of tension, so it is the best way to keep the sealing ring by reducing the work involvement tension under sufficient conditions, which is the biggest factor affecting the deformation of silicone material when it is used for a long time.


The choices of raw material


In addition, the performance of the product using high-quality material, high tensile and product hardness performance is higher, the better the quality of the product.

Post time: Nov-16-2021